Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Detect Lies Like LIE TO ME! - Scam School-- Thermotron management training--

sure -- get your training at thermotron-- with thomas bannach and

roger cannady and his associates-- as Gregory V Johnson -- bragged that it's ok to lie-- cheat-- steal and rob your co workers and the customer--

Hil sybesma said he had the same problem as thomas bannach-- and they went to each others "church"

Dave Water field -- the roger cannady "replacement" said that the offices that roger cannady and associates -- managed -- stood out "like a sour thumb"

because of the robbery thief and embezzlement-- and Roger cannady -- denied to on "one" single field service engineer man on the west coast that asked him about the embezzlement!!

Roger cannady and thomas Bannach -- then libled and slander that Man-- for asking a "question " like that!!

yes After that  that MAN   was "drumed out"   he worked worked at Russles technical Products--

and when Bill Bench asked why he left Thermotron employment--

Bill Bench was "surprised " that he said that thomas bannach and his gang-- HAD a problem with--

lying cheating stealing and back stabbing his co workers


  1. yes

    when Thomas bannach was employed at Thermotron–

    He told the Field service engineer in the Branch office that it was Ok

    to lie ,cheat steal embezzle and defraud the customer and co workers–

    because everyone he knows is like that– and

    and when Roger cannady and his Associates were contacted at the Home Office in Holland Michigan–

    Roger cannady reply was — well if you don’t like the way we manage –

    – i will accept your resignation–

    Yes leadership training with roger Cannady -and his associates- was an expression of a closet pervert–

    looking 4 a dummy

    Roger Cannady — as the National Service Manager said” well if you don’t like your review”

    and when
    Dave Water field replaced roger cannady as Thermotron National service manager–
    He said that all the offices that thomas bannach and roger cannady managed — stood out like a sore thumb– becasue of the excessive Robber– thief– and embezzlement–
    Yes thomas Bannach and his Pet ‘s Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp–
    all agreed — stealing was called — working the system and the average amount of
    EMBEZZLEMENT was about 10,000 to 20,000 per year–
    Gregory V Johnson would drive to the branch office — talk to Bo Bjarno the 3rd thermotron sales guy and then drive home
    when Thomas Bannach worul call him– he would lie and tell Thomas Bannach that — his phone and Beeper didn’;t work..
    and when a job was called into the office — he would tell the customer that “the service man that does that type of job ” was “Out of town”
    He spent six monthes putting down 8 hours a day at a company called Ramteck– and Thomas Bannach never cked to see if he was on the job–
    ENSECO chamber company hired him and with in 3 monthes– they wondered why they hired a thomas Bannach “PET” in the first place– and went to his home on the week end — to fire him– and retrieve their service truck

  2. 2.0
    Field service engineer
    Field Service Technician (Former Employee) – Seattle, WA – June 19, 2020
    We only call them field service engineer to make them feel good and stroke their ego.
    Fill out paper work for 1 job a day. Call the factory to get answers. You are on your own. Need help we’ll get back to you. Nothing personal no raises for performance. Manager says he didn’t see it.
    Diversity of customers
    Everyone is a embezzler and working the system. Besides how much can a service technician steal?
    Was this review helpful?
    Tell the customer what they want to hear
    Field Service Technician (Former Employee) – Seattle, WA – May 31, 2020
    We never had that problem before its hard to hire good people that know the product line. Everyone makes mistakes. I’m waiting to hear back from the factory.
    Was this review helpful?
    It’s okay.
    ACS (Current Employee) – Holland, MI – May 15, 2020
    I love my job in this factory but my co workers are very rude and inconsiderate but I keep to myself and just focus on my work and what I’m doing rather than what everyone else is doing
    They are very flexible due to me taking classes and also working 2 jobs.
    The other workers are very rude and only want what’s be
    Was this review helpful?
    Field service technician
    Field Service Technician (Former Employee) – California – May 11, 2020
    The 4 different national service managers were paper pushing liars. The 2 National sales manager’s. Conspired against their co workers. To build a case against the good people. The field service engineers told to lie and be a false wittness. Stealing and embezzler is normal. You can’t trust anyone.
    Was this review helpful?
    Manager says its ok to lie cheat embezzle a bit as neccessary everyday
    Field Service Technician (Former Employee) – California. Michigan new york seattle – April 28, 2020
    Worked in the Michigan office, New York, texas, California, Seattle office. 3 to 4 weeks on the road. Field service engineers are smiling wolves. Sales were liars .customers were nice. Church goers are g
